Carbon Budgets Working Group
Carbon Budgets Working Group 2023-2024
The Carbon Budgets Working Group is tasked with assisting and advising the Council in development of a methodology and evidence base for carbon budget proposals, in particular to provide modelling and analytical support for the development of carbon budget proposals. The Carbon Budgets Working Group will provide the Council with key findings, recommendations and outputs for consideration in the context of the Council’s role in submitting carbon budget proposals to Government for the finalisation of Carbon Budget 3 from 2031-35 and a proposal for Carbon Budget 4 from 2036-40, which are due by the end of 2024.
Carbon Budgets Working Group Terms of Reference
Chair: George Hussey, Climate Change Advisory Council Secretariat Manager
- Stephen Treacy / Dr. James Murphy, Environmental Protection Agency (National Emissions Inventories and Projections)
- Dr. Kevin Hanrahan / Trevor Donnellan, Teagasc (FAPRI-Ireland model)
- Prof. Hannah Daly / Prof. Brian Ó Gallachóir, University College Cork (TIMES-Ireland model)
- Dr. David Styles, University of Galway / Dr. Colm Duffy, James Hutton Institute (GOBLIN model)
- Jim Scheer / Emma Lynch, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (NEMF model)
- Dr. Kelly C De Bruin / Dr. Mert Yakut, Economic and Social Research Institute (I3E model)
- Dr. Niall McInerney, Central Bank (COSMO model)
- Dr. Jeanne Moore / Niamh Garvey, National Economic and Social Council (Socioeconomics and Just Transition)
- Dr. Kian Mintz-Woo, University College Cork (Climate Justice)
- Dr. Oliver Geden, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (EU and International Climate Policy)
- Prof. John Fitzgerald, Trinity College Dublin (Economics and Macroeconomics)
- Dr. James Moran / Dr. Eamon Haughey, Atlantic Technical University (Biodiversity)
Previous Carbon Budgets Committee 2021
A number of individuals were invited by the Council to participate in the work of the Carbon Budgets Committee. All Council members (and observers to the Council) were also invited to attend.
Terms of Reference for Committee on Carbon Budgets
Chair: Marie Donnelly, Climate Change Advisory Council
- Prof Alan Matthews – TCD (Emeritus)
- Prof Lisa Ryan – UCD
- Prof Brian Ó Gallachóir - UCC
- Prof Aoife Ahern - UCD
- Prof Frank O’Mara - Teagasc
- Stephen Treacy – EPA
- Dr Jim Sheer – SEAI
- Keith Lambkin – Met Éireann
- George Hussey – DHLHG
- Aoife Parker Hedderman – DECC
- Dr Trevor Donnellan – Teagasc
- Bill Callanan – DAFM
- Dr Hannah Daly – UCC
- Dr Kevin Hanrahan – Teagasc
- Dr David Styles - UL