Independent Evaluation
15th January 2021
Ahead of the Climate Change Advisory Council’s first term expiring on the 17th January 2021, the Council commissioned a panel of experts to conduct an independent evaluation of the functioning and effectiveness of the Council with respect to its mandate under the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015. It was also asked to evaluate its performance as an independent advisory body tasked with assessing and advising on Ireland’s transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally sustainable economy by 2050.
In addition to extensive review of relevant documentation and research, the expert panel engaged with key stakeholders from Government departments and agencies, other institutions, media, and the Council and its Secretariat. The Climate Change Advisory Council welcomes the findings of the Independent Evaluation. The report recognises the Council’s achievements and makes a number of recommendations regarding its future work and operations. This will provide a very important input for the new Council and its Secretariat in developing its strategy.
Some recommendations will require Government decisions regarding, for example, the resourcing of the Council, and may also be relevant to ongoing deliberations on the Low Carbon Development and Climate Action (Amendment) Bill. The Council would like to thank the expert panel, Geraldine Tallon (Chair), Sharon Turner and Halldór Thorgeirsson for their time and considered approach to this task. Additionally, the Council would like to extend its thanks to those who participated in the review process to help inform the findings.
The final report was submitted to the Climate Change Advisory Council in January 2021 and sent by the Council to the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Oireachtas Joint Committee on Climate Action and the Department of the Taoiseach and published on the Council’s website. Please see link below for full report.
In a positive decision, the Council decided to have an independent evaluation of its performance undertaken. This report presents the outcome of that evaluation and is based on our review of all aspects of the Council’s work, our own experience and knowledge, as well as a range of useful discussions with the Chair, a number of Council members, the Council Secretariat and other stakeholders and independent researchers from knowledge institutions and universities.