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Presentations given at meetings

Please find below a list of the presentations given to the Carbon Budgets Committee at its meetings:

Meeting of the 27th of April 2021

27.04.2021 SeQUEsTER - Pathways to carbon neutrality post 2030.pdf

27.04.2021 Scenarios for agricultural GHGs.pdf

27.04.2021 Modelling low-carbon energy transition scenarios with the TIMES-Irel 

Meeting of the 30th of April 2021

30.04.2021 SeQUEsTER - Pathways to carbon neutrality post 2030.pdf

30.04.2021 Modelling low-carbon energy transition scenarios with the TIMES-Irel

30.04.2021 Implications of Agriculture scenarios for post 2030 efforts.pdf

30.04.2021 3 Scenarios For Agricultural GHGs.pdf

Meeting of the 17th of May 2021

17.05.2021 Secretariat Presentation

Meeting of the 24th of May 2021

24.05.2021 Secretariat overview.pdf

24.05.2021 Discussion of the Climate Action Plan 2021.pdf

24.05.2021 Benchmarking decarbonization scenarios against IPCC SR1.5.pdf

Meeting of the 14th of June 2021

14.06.2021 Profile of Irish Agriculture & Food using CSO, EStat and Teagasc NF

14.06.2021 Ireland's carbon budgets and EU 55 percent target

14.06.2021 Further evidence towards carbon budget ranges.pdf

Meeting of the 21st of June 2021

21.06.2021 Socioeconomic impacts of Climate Action Plan 2021.pdf

21.06.2021 Reducing Emissions from the Transport Sector.pdf

21.06.2021 National Heat Study.pdf

21.06.2021 Further evidence towards carbon budget ranges.pdf

Meeting of the 22nd of June 2021

Expert Meeting on the science of national mitigation efforts, gases, and 1.5C degrees

22.06.2021 Expert Meeting Opening slides

22.06.2021 Allen - The role of non-CO2 climate pollutants

22.06.2021 Reisinger - Impact on climate of different greenhouse gases

22.06.2021 Rogelj - Efforts required to achieve the 1.5 degree goal

22.06.2021 Vladu - Science of national mitigation efforts - Paris Agreement

Meeting of the 28th of June 2021

28.06.2021 Modelling the impact of alternate mitigation paths for the energy se

28.06.2021 Employment in Ireland by NACE code and selected TIM scenarios up to

28.06.2021 Climate Action Plan - Responding to the Upskilling Challenge.pdf

28.06.2021 Carbon Budget Committee Outputs.pdf

28.06.2021 Agriculture Sectoral Engagement Feedback.pdf

Meeting of the 5th of July 2021

05.07.2021 Sectoral Engagement Summary on Carbon Budgets.pdf

Meeting of the 9th of September 2021

09.09.2021 Reviewing Carbon Budgets in light of the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Rep

09.09.2021 Ireland's Carbon Budgets and EU fit for 55 percent Package

09.09.2021 Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation Measures on Biodiversity.pdf

09.09.2021 AR6-WGI Addendum to CCAC-CBC lit review.pdf

09.09.2021 A Broader Economic Assessment of the Carbon Budgets .pdf