Carbon Budgets Working Group 2023-2024
The Carbon Budgets Working Group was tasked with assisting and advising the Council in the development of a methodology and evidence base for carbon budget proposals, in particular providing modelling and analytical support for the development of carbon budget proposals. The Carbon Budgets Working Group provided the Council with key findings, recommendations and outputs for consideration in the context of the Council’s role in submitting carbon budget proposals to Government for the finalisation of Carbon Budget 3 from 2031-2035 and a proposal for Carbon Budget 4 from 2036-2040.
Membership of the Carbon Budgets Working Group
Chair: George Hussey, Climate Change Advisory Council Secretariat
- Stephen Treacy / Dr. James Murphy, Environmental Protection Agency (National Emissions Inventories and Projections)
- Dr. Kevin Hanrahan / Trevor Donnellan, Teagasc (FAPRI-Ireland model)
- Prof. Hannah Daly / Prof. Brian Ó Gallachóir, University College Cork (TIMES-Ireland model)
- Dr. David Styles, University of Galway / Dr. Colm Duffy, James Hutton Institute (GOBLIN model)
- Jim Scheer / Emma Lynch, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (NEMF model)
- Dr. Kelly C De Bruin / Dr. Mert Yakut, Economic and Social Research Institute (I3E model)
- Dr. Niall McInerney, Central Bank (COSMO model)
- Dr. Jeanne Moore / Niamh Garvey, National Economic and Social Council (Socioeconomics and Just Transition)
- Dr. Kian Mintz-Woo, University College Cork (Climate Justice)
- Dr. Oliver Geden, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (EU and International Climate Policy)
- Prof. John Fitzgerald, Trinity College Dublin (Economics and Macroeconomics)
- Dr. James Moran / Dr. Eamon Haughey, Atlantic Technical University (Biodiversity)
Terms of Reference for the Carbon Budgets Working Group
Following completion of the work of the Carbon Budgets Working Group as outlined in the Terms of Reference, contributions to the group will be made available.
Carbon Budgets Working Group Terms of Reference
Carbon Budgets Working Group Reports
TIMES-Ireland Model (TIM) Report
Biodiversity Considerations Report
EPA Report to Carbon Budgets Working Group Secretariat
Just Transition Considerations Report
National Transport Authority Modelling Report
Irish Carbon Budgets: Some Moral Considerations
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Carbon Budgets Modelling Review
Ireland's Warming Impact Analysis Report
Scenario Dialogue Tool
This Excel file provides a short descriptive outline of the assumptions, potential benefits and trade-offs the emissions scenarios considered during the Carbon Budget Programme Cycle 2.
Scenario Dialogue Tool - Final
Carbon Budgets Working Group Outputs Report
This report provides an overview of the outputs of the Carbon Budgets Working Group (CBWG) to assist the Climate Change Advisory Council (the Council or CCAC) in its Carbon Budget (CB) Proposal for Carbon Budget 3 (CB3) (2031–2035) and provisional Carbon Budget 4 (CB4) (2036–2040). It synthesises the outputs to assist the Council in its CB Proposal to the Minister of the Environment, Climate and Communications (the Minister), providing links to relevant output documents from the working group.
Carbon Budgets Working Group Outputs Report
Carbon Budgets Working Group Meeting Documents
There was one workshop and 18 meetings of the Carbon Budgets Working Group between the 9th of March 2023 and the 18th of September 2024. The meetings documents, including agendas, minutes, presentations and other technical documents, are available at Carbon Budgets Working Group Meeting Documents.