Other Publications
A Colossal Missed Opportunity - Ireland's climate action and the potential costs of missing targets
Tuarascáil faoi na Moltaí maidir le Buiséid Charbóin 2024 - Achoimre do Chách
Carbon Budget Proposal 2024 - Summary for All
In accordance with the Climate Change and Low Carbon Development Act 2021 (as amended), Climate Change Advisory Council is required to prepare and submit proposed amendments to CB3 (2031–2035) and propose a provisional Carbon Budget 4 (CB4) (2036–2040) not less than 12 months prior to the expiry of the first carbon budget. The Council’s proposal for this second programme of carbon budgets is outlined in this report.
Opening Statement Regarding the National Planning Framework to the Joint Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage on the 5th November 2024
This report presents the main findings from the 4th Adaptation Scorecard which reviewed adaptation-related activities undertaken by lead departments, agencies and local authorities during the period April 2023-March 2024.
This report is a summary of the Adaptation Committee workshop on climate change adaptation indicators that was held in March 2024.
This provides a review of the major themes at the Adaptation Report Card Workshop.
The workshop examined climate resilience and adaptation of critical energy infrastructure and downstream applications on the Island of Ireland.
The Adaptation Scorecard is based on a questionnaire, developed and adopted by the Council in 2021, that is sent to the priority sectors identified in the NAF as well as local government and the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications.
The full report is available to view online on the OECD website at Redesigning Ireland’s Transport for Net Zero: Towards Systems that Work for People and the Planet | en | OECD. If you wish to download the PDF version of the report you will need access credentials. Please contact info@climatecouncil.ie to obtain these credentials.
Climate Change Advisory Council Adaptation Scorecard 2022
Insurance Ireland advice to Climate Change Advisory Council re Car Pooling
Professor John FitzGerald's Opening Statement to the Budgetary Oversight Committee
EU ETS Background Document